My finally completed Tattoo....

Hi W22 so I guess it's time for the unveiling of my tattoo. I've finally finished it on thursday and well i've been studying since then and haven't really had the time. In fact I should be studyin now but I can't help wanting to post this up and to listen to some music. anyway here you go:

As you can see this is the pic an hour I had it finished

This is the whole back

SO yeah thats that. u can see the actual one when I get back =) anyway I heard about Aaron's Mr. Titanium thing so good luck for that buddy. Sounds really interesting wei.hehehe.on the 12th i's be sitting for my mechanics exam.

A prayer need at this time is for my exams. Now i'm not sure if you all knew this about me, but before I came to UK I was a very lazy person and did not enjoy studying at all hence all my tuitioning. Well since I've came to UK i've learned how to be self independent and to self study. So this exams that i'm about to take is the first time in my life that I actually self studied for and feel fairly prepared for it.Although I am one day behind in my preperations so I hope to catch up. Anyway I would like to ask for you all to help pray for me to do well. Here is my exam schedule as follows:

5th June: Electrical engineering

6th June: Thermofluids

12th June: Enjineering Mechanics

17th June: Engneering Insight

18th June: Mathematics for Mechanical engineering

Yeah as I typed that out I suddenly felt very worried hahha I should be going off to study soon. Anyway I will put up another post after my exams about my life and friends here. I think that one is long long long overdue.But you'll get to see alot of cute guys (cough cough er Puiks) and maybe some really hot girls (cough cough Gor). Sorry I dun think I can bring them back for you all but er maybe next time you can come up to UK to claim k?

So I hope you all are doing great, I'm really happy that CG is growing really fast. Aaron toold me there are now twice the number of guys in CG.hehehe. see Kee Wee, Gor, we are no longer that out numbered hehehe. Anyway, Kee Wee I know I promised you an e-mail but I think I will keep posting updates when I can and if I need something more personal then I will e-mail you =) I hope you stay well and good luck to those with exams coming up or are sitting for exams now. Good luck to Mr. Titanium, i'm sure you are going to win it. I am supporting you spiritually. Oh Good luck to Gor I hope this is not too late but for your Learders training and stuff. Good Luck Ya Wan for the modelling thing. Let me know how it goes alright? I'm missing you all!!!

