Road Trip to Cameron Highlands anyone???

Hi guys, I know its kinda sudden, but nothing beats having a spontaneous road trip isn't it?

We're planning to go to Cameron Highlands for a 3 days 2 nights trip.

Cameron is 4 hours drive away from KL.
Up there, we could go visit the berries farm own by Eugene's friend, and a lot more.
Most importantly is the cool fresh air =D

Date is next Monday 14/9 to Wednesday 16/9
or another option is during the Raya break, Sunday 20/9 to Tuesday 22/9
Budget: Approx RM 2oo including food, accommodation & fuel.

Any further inquiries pls contact Eugene/ Michelle/ Spencer.
Everything in this plan is flexible, so we could actually discuss and make a bit changes if you really want to go and cannot make it on those days.

note: this is a total unofficial and random roadtrip.