"Click on the picture for a bigger view!*

Love Regina

Xmas Celebration cum Birthday Surprise for Haruka & Michika

Hi guys, I bet everyone enjoyed so much last night, right?

Here are some of the pictures of the party, more will be uploaded on facebook when the connection is more stable :)

The feast...

Quarter of the crowd...

Gorgeous ladies...

Go Reds: Jessie, Kevin(a guy), Puiks(Kopi-Soh), Yuwen

Man-U fans now is it??

Gorgeous People!

haha. Aaron got scolded many times to get this shot =p
(Sorry Aaron, didn't mean to scold you la!)

Krys's Bro, 14

Cheryl's bro, 15

Kee Wee, 24 =p

Bday babes(the twins) : Haruka & Michika
Prettyful bday cake made by our dearest Cheryl <3
Its so yummy!!! We all love it so much.
our prezzies!

The oh-so-touching puppet show presentation

Guess whos who...

Behind the scene...

Audience enjoying while the puppets team working so hard

Thank you so much you guys...

Told ya we're twins but from different parents

We always do the same thing!!!
Michika, Haruka, Puika
Ladies... (We dont really have a group picture with the guys tho)

Guys, really want to thank all of you to make this party happen, it was so much fun and so great to meet new friends (you know who you are, sorry I can't really spell your names).
Too bad some of you like Gordon couldn't make it for the party. But as KeeWee said, dont worry, we surely had fun! Bwahahahaha~
Of course, you all did a good job in hiding the surprise from Haruka and I. Although I was smart enough to sense something. hehehe. I texted Haru saying: Something is fishy, be ready for our birthday surprise! LOL.
It was a very very touching Puppet Show! credits to Puikar for making all the puppets. Really appreciate that!
Sorry that I made so much mistake in the song lyrics...I will pay more attention next time.
Not forget to mention that Kopi Soh baked us cookies! Its her first time baking, and she made sure everyone has one and attached with a message on it =) so sweet!!! Guys, what are you waiting for? Drop a message if you wanna date her.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!


w22 Christmas party!!

Hello peeps! Christmas is coming!! Hohoho... =) we'll be having our very own w22 Christmas Party on this coming Thursday(18-12-2008)! Here are the details of the party:

Time: 8pm (can come earlier to prepare!)
Venue: Yvonne Chan's house (Jessie's fren)
25, Jalan SS2/22, PJ.
Dress code: Christmas-ish & nice :)


We'll be having potluck for our party! Here are the list of what everyone will be bringing, everyone can check the list here and if there's any problem or suggestions just voice out at the comments below. (^.^)
Cheryl - Beef pie
Jessie & Grace- Spaghetti bolognese & fried beehoon
Krystina - Potato salad
Puiks - Sandwiches
Regina & kee wee- Roasted chicken
Mich&yuwen - Vege Salad
Yvonne - Fruits & prepare water dispenser
Jaslynn - Ice kacang
Mik & Don - Drinks, cordial & ice
Aaron Chan & Spencer - cutlery + fried chicken
Yew Jin - nuggets

Other than that, we are playing the Angel & mortal gift exchanging game, so here's the list of those who are in it:

Aaron chan
Yew Jin
Ya wan
Aunty Yoyo
Yvonne chan

If you are bringing any new friends, please let me know as soon ya!! If any new friends who's coming and not in the Angel & Mortal list, please ask them to bring along an exchange gift while they come. Must remember!!!

We'll have some activities for our party, programmes are yet to be confirmed, it's gonna be Fun!!

OK that's all for now! Merry Christmas!

Jessie :)

Kee Wee & Gordon's Bday!

What a lovely birthday this year w22 had for our beloved cell leader and gordon..no sabo..no cross-dressing..no embarrassments..but instead..a beautiful birthday party set up by all of us right before asia conference week..
Here are some photos for those that were not there..:(
The buffet table..looks nice huh..wait wait..will tell u what u see..
The crowd..at poolside (the Lings' place)

Smile everyone!
buffet table extended..
Very happy people..
Gor: "Pls no sabo"..Kw: (nervous)
And we had something very special...
Wait for it

☆Sparklers a.k.a tiktikkam☆praying for the bday boys..

Thier presents!
(Opening their gifts)
©Guess? shirt for kw
©Braun Buffel wallet for gor.
Next we had a special performance..drama portayal of their life story..
puiks as gor and aaron as kw..lol
Happy birrrtthday!..
What a fun night..
From transvestites to very thankful humans..haha!
(the cake downgraded?)

lol...anyway..looking forward the next birthday and w22 christmas party!
Visitors,strangers pls do join us..our cell group, w22 at City Harvest Church..
we love to have more ppl to share our joy! (drop a msg at the cbox)

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New Life

Congratulations to our w22 members who recently got baptized this Nov.. May life ahead of you be nothing but the start of a wonderful journey...

Aaron Chan

Yu Wen

Wow 'someone' looks extremely happy..
Altogether now..

Jas and her parents with pastor..
And..lets not forget our beloved Serene..who got baptized late April this yr...i didn't have photos but i took a video and here are screen shots..

Congrats !

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