Hellos Gentlemen and Leeches!
What's up?
Greetings from the ulu town of Providence!
hope you peeps are doing fine.
Loves you all.
Bonjour A Tous!
W22 Trip to Gunung Ledang!

13.Serene's Friend
14.Sue Ann
3.Sue Ann
Saturday Morning (30/1/10)
According to the legend, the princess was of slim build and medium height and had a stunning beauty. Further, she was also endowed with a sinuous movement, that accentuated every curve of her little body. Men were naturally attracted to her but amongst the many, she was claimed to have spurned was the Sultan of Melaka. The legend tells us, that the princess eventually married one Nakhoda Ragam, a hero whose name unfailingly struck terror into the hearts of those, who had dared to oppose him. ut this hero was later to die at the hands of his princess-wife. Ragam was found of tickling the Princess's ribs and one day, in an uncontrollable burst of reaction. The Princess stabbed her husband in the breast with a needle she was handling. Therefore the Princess returned to Mount Ophir and vowed never to set eyes on another man. |
You are Worthy - Bob Fitts
Hey Guys!
I updated the playlist from the Christmas one.
Check out the first song.
You are Worthy - Bob Fitts
Fascinated by Your beauty
Captivated by Your love
Intoxicated by Your glory
Forever will not be enough
Saturated in Your mercy
Liberated by Your grace
Consecrated to be holy
Forever I will seek Your face
For You are worthy, You are worthy
You are worthy my glorious God
I think it is very charismatic.
Perhaps we can play it in CG one day!
-Errol Fung-
W22 'C'hampion 'G'roup's Outing
Puteri Waterfalls
by Errol Fung
JAN 24, KELANA JAYA - "Standing at 1,267m, Gunung Ledang (Mount Ledang) is Johor's highest mountain and it can be accessed both from Johor (Sagil) and Melaka (Asahan). The journey to the top will take approximately five hours through the dense jungle", quoted Virtual Malaysia. Although, we aren't gonna climb it. *gleeming Smile!*
This air terjun is locally dikenali as air panas or ayer panas. Di sane u can play play at 2 different lokasi. One is dipanggil Puteri Waterfall. and another one is sikit higher, called Twin waterfall. Since it was privatised, the tempat letak kereta have to pay RM2 and RM1 per penumpang kreter. So if satu kreter go in with 5 orang, then u kene pay USD7 dollar. eh, no no. RM7 Dollar. eh no no. RM7 ringgit lah ok.
The plan sini is the ones that can departure Night Jumaat, we go same2 at about 8pm then obernite at KeeWee's Crib. then the second batch of those yang tak bleh pegi malam jumaat like some people who got party with other friends or the one yang kenot overnite, they leave pagi Saturday then meet us at TANGKAK turnoff or if noe how to potong potong inside melaka, turn off at AYER KEROH then ber-rendezvous together-gether at Tangkak at 9AM.
The first batch, going to galavanting at melaka i think. then crash at KeeWee's place.
The plan at the moment is tentative-ness only. not confirmed as yet.
2357 Hours - 24/01/2009. Ops. sorry. 2010.
It's Back!!

Birthday Dinner for 3 Peepz!
Hey Peepzzzz.
Leeches and Gentlemen of W22 & W45,
Good Evening.
The pics for KeeWee, GorDon and SongSing are currently being processed.
As in, screenings, minor editings and stuff.
And they'll soon be up in 3 days time from today.
Stay tuned!
With loves, hugs, kisses, and more hugs,
You noe you love me, XOXO!
Errol Fung
Unofficial Photoman of W22
Happpy 20th Birthday Yu Wen!

In Luke 15:23, the verse reads...Let's have feast and celebrate...
Happpy 20th Birthday, Yu Wen!
Big girl adi, no longer a teen. Hehe
And although you're in UK, we're always here to support u in prayer and encouragement.
You know CG is the best family you ever have! We love you tons!
Stay strong in Christ and you're always in our prayer!
Take care and God bless!
Have a memorable and blessed birthday!
W22 & W45
Labels: birthday
Road Trip to Cameron Highlands anyone???
Hi guys, I know its kinda sudden, but nothing beats having a spontaneous road trip isn't it?
We're planning to go to Cameron Highlands for a 3 days 2 nights trip.Cameron is 4 hours drive away from KL.
Up there, we could go visit the berries farm own by Eugene's friend, and a lot more.
Most importantly is the cool fresh air =D
Date is next Monday 14/9 to Wednesday 16/9
or another option is during the Raya break, Sunday 20/9 to Tuesday 22/9
Budget: Approx RM 2oo including food, accommodation & fuel.
Any further inquiries pls contact Eugene/ Michelle/ Spencer.
Everything in this plan is flexible, so we could actually discuss and make a bit changes if you really want to go and cannot make it on those days.
note: this is a total unofficial and random roadtrip.
An extremely eventful August!